Littleborough early 1900s

Littleborough - map

Littleborough around 1900 and a map of the area showing the Fothergill & Harvey mills.

Littleborough - Town House from Town House Road
Littleborough - Town House 1996
Littleborough - Town House 2

Contemporary view of Town House (above) and more modern photographs. Austin & Emma would have lived in the end cottage to the left of the photograph below.

Littleborough - Town House 4
Littleborough - Gale
Littleborough - Gale Wood
Littleborough - Gale Cottages

Gale (left), Gale Wood (above) & Gale Cottage (below).

LIttleborough - Rochdale Canal
Littleborough - Rochdale Canal 2

Modern photographs of the Rochdale Canal at Littleborough next to the Fothergill mills (below).

Littleborough - Sladen Wood 1
Littleborough - Sladen Wood 2
Littleborough - Rock Nook Mill
Littleborough - Rock Nook 2

Modern photographs of the Sladen Wood Mill (above).

Rock Nook Mill before the fire (above) and as it looked in 2020 (right).

Littleborough - tram

Littleborough tram.

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