Bolton early 1900s

Bolton - Dart Mill, Tonge Moor & Bradshaw

Bradshaw & Tonge Moor area

Bolton - Bradshaw 1
Bolton - Bradshaw 2

Two views of Bradshaw Bridge leading in to what was a rural village.

Bolton - Tonge Moor Rd 1
Bolton - Tonge Moor Rd 2
Bolton - Tonge Moor Rd 3

Austin, Emma and family lived at 682 Tonge Moor Road, to the right and behind the tram on the photograph (right).

The photos on your right are of the lower part of Tonge Moor Road. You can see the tram lines running down its centre. 

Bolton - Tonge Moor tram

A Tonge Moor tram (‘T’) at Bradshaw Brow.

Bolton - Dart Mill

Historic England aerial photos showing Union Road, the Denvale and Dart mills. The Dart Mill is the upper one adjacent to the bend in Union Road (top right).

Bolton - Dart Mill 1
Bolton - Denvale mills

Grainy photographs of the Dart and Denvale mills. Both now demolished (see below).

Bolton - Dart Mill under demolition - 1
Bolton - Dart Mill under demolition - 2

Dart mill under demolition. Fred Dibnah demolished the Dart Tower (above).

Bolton - Dart & Denvale Union Road c.1950s

A 1950s (?) Union Road view of the Dart and Denvale mills (below).

Bolton - Knowsley St.
Bolton - Market Hall external
Bolton - Market Hall internal

Bolton, Knowsley Street (above) and the exterior and interior of the Market Hall (right). 

Dart & Denvale mills & Union Road area

Bolton town centre

Bolton - Newport St.
Bolton - Trinity Street Station

Bolton, Newport Street, the street leading to Victoria Square and then Oxford Street and Knowsley Street.

Bolton, Trinity Street Station.

Bolton - Dart Mill 2

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives

From Historic England archives

From Historic England archives

From The Cotton Mills of Bolton by James H. Longworth

From The Cotton Mills of Bolton by James H. Longworth

Author archives

From Fred Dibnah’s Chimney Drops by Alan McEwan

From Fred Dibnah’s Chimney Drops by Alan McEwan

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives

Author archives